

I realize this post will probably sound a bit narcissistic, but I just thought I'd share my excitement - I've reached 1000 profile views. I know that sounds lame, but it actually means that I have a fair amount of readers out there. Unless there's some weirdo out there who just keeps checking it 50x a day to see if I've changed anything. Hehehe...

Anyway, I realize that there's quite a few of you from all over the states. It'd be awesome to see where everyone is from! So, if you read this on a semi-regular basis, post a comment and let me know where you're from! Let's see how many different states we can get!


Anonymous said...

A real enlightening blog. Don't stop now. Don't miss visiting this site about archdiocese of philadelphia in respect to info on archdiocese of philadelphia

Tom said...

Im reading your stuff here in Louisville, KY

Anonymous said...

I suspect I am the closest to you.


Katy said...

Right now, I'm reading your blog from California ... but soon to be Wisconsin

Steph Stanger said...

Kim and I read your blog here in Illinois