

Wow. My dreaming has been intense lately. I know that when I'm in a more tense/stressed state, that my dreams tend to get a little mroe vivid, a little more bizarre and somtimes a little messed up. However, I cannot remember a period in recent past where my dreams have bothered me as much as they have the past couple of nights. Usually when I dream, it incorporates weird people and scenarios. Lately though, my dreams have centered around my behavior towards others - behavior that is outside my normal character. For instance, a dream I had last night... I will leave names out in order to not upset anyone, but I had this dream last night that I was with one of my guy friends, and for whatever reason, we got into this massive fight. I mean, we were screaming and yelling at one another. Finally, after I had reached the end of my rope - no more things to throw against him - I just looked at him with an evil glare, and shouted "F--- you!" It happed in slow motion in my dream, and it was so weird - almost movie like. After I said that to him with such hatred and malice, he mauled me. He totally out and out hit me, and I hit him back which started this huge violent fight between the two of us. My dream ended with us just beating the tar out of each other. How terrible is that? Now, there are multiple things I could say contributed to this dream... The "F" word has been planted in my ear a TON over the past few months, especially due to my film class. I was also in the middle of reading this novel called "Morvern Callar" for one of my classes that is a pretty graphic novel. So that could be where the "violence" comes in... But my word! I have never had dreams like this... If I do have "bad" dreams, it's usually something terrible happening to someone I love - but I'm not the one doing the "something terrible". I don't know exactly where these dreams are coming from, but I'll definitely be happy when they go away...

Do you suppose there's such a thing as "dream therapy". I mean, other than hypnosis, is there a way of "fixing" our subconscious so that we dream better dreams? Maybe I should just lay off drinking OJ before bed...

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