
coming to a close

I should like to learn, right? So why am I sad that school starts tomorrow? Well, it means that my my freedom is coming to a close. It's been beautiful. Nothing scheduled on Mondays and Wednesdays over Christmas break - no school or work. It's been so nice. But alas, too much of a good thing I suppose is not good for me. It will be good to be back in school, I'm sure. Have a schedule again, have my time filled with homework and class going. Should be good. I have good classes too, so I really don't have anything to complain about. I for sure can't complain about the commute - I have a friend who commutes 2 hourson a train each way every day. YIKES. So, off to school it is for this girl...

I have to tell you about my new found music craze. I haven't totally checked them out yet - I'm just in the beginning stages. But this guy I know has mentioned them a couple times in his blog, and I had one of their songs already in my iTunes library, but I just recently have been checking into their other stuff, and I definitely dig. The Album Leaf - great mellow, music. Totally chill out, study to, make out to, fall asleep to - type music. One of their songs reminded me a little of Sigur Ros (the untitled album) and so I most definitely will be getting a CD or two by them... I'm diggin...

Current music playing on iTunes: "Evaporated" - Ben Folds Five (seems that song is playing often... such a great song though)

Well my little blogger friends, I'll check back in not to far off from now and give you the 411 on school. Good times had by all, I'm sure. Oodles and oodles of reading awaits me...

I'm still waiting to read Blue Like Jazz... I have a friend who's tossing it my way. I have had it recommended to me by loads of people. Sounds pretty interesting. Let me know if you've read it, and what you think of it.

Out for now. I'll sign off the way my friend Zach Braff signed off his blog the other night, as I too am headed to bed.
Peace and love and a pillow.

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