

It's an interesting thing, I must say. I started this whole journey of "blogging", yet I find myself suffering from blogging shyness. I journal on a daily basis and have no problem conveying my thoughts to myself and myself alone. But when I realize that this is going to be public, other people will be reading it...I tend to shy away from what is on my mind. However, I was reading something in an entry my brother wrote about a way to create community. How amazing would it be if God could use something so crazy as "blogs" to create a new form of community. I'm not alluding to any sort of idea that would replace "church" but rather be another form of communication with one another. I'm so intrigued by the different forms of community that DO and exist as well as the ones that CAN exist. I've been learning so much about the "church", and what it is really supposed to look like, and how that can be accomplished. As I sat through a Christian Education meeting the other night, and the board debated church politics left and right, I simply whispered to God "This can't be what it's all about..." I'm not saying there's no place for it in a church, I'm just saying that our focus can so easily shift from the design God intended. I love reading Acts 2...It's so challenging, and so encouraging all at once. I love the fact that God created us as dependent beings, not only on Him but also for each other, and that He also gave us that desire for community...How cool to have so many ways to create it.

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