

The other day, a friend of mine was telling me about some movie that was coming out. She said it had the word "sleep" in it, but couldn't remember the actual title. I hadn't heard of any movie with the word "sleep" in it... until today.

I was watching a recorded episode of "Scrubs" when on comes this commercial for a movie entitled "The Science of Sleep." I noticed it had the guy from "Motorcycle Diaries" in it, and found it to be slightly amusing at first. Then, I heard it... A film by Michel Gondry.

I've written about my love for Michel Gondry before. The most obvious example is "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" - a movie I bought even before it was out in stores (I've got the hook-up at The Exclusive Company!) However, what first got me into Michel Gondry's work was his work with music videos. The first time I saw the video for The White Stripes "Fell In Love With A Girl" I was hooked. Also, some of you may have seen his work with other artists such as Bjork, Kylie Minogue, Beck, Hot Hot Heat, Kanye West, and other artists.

Gondry's use of stop motion is so cool... Even though I have an extreme dislike for Jan Svankmeyer films (who is well known for his use for stop motion) and he somewhat tainted my feelings about stop motion, I think that Gondry does a good job with it and uses it tastefully.

I'm really, really excited about "The Science of Sleep" - even though I was pretty late finding out about it. Thanks to my friend who SORT OF gave me a heads up!

You can see the trailer here.

You can visit "The Science of Sleep" interactive website by going here.

The movie comes out this Friday at the Oriental Theater...

I'm excited!


Sarah said...

Tory - it's a date. I saw a preview for it yesturday when I saw Little Miss Sunshine... looks so WEIRD! And I'm so into that.

So Friday, hey?

Anonymous said...

If you are in an artsy fartsy mood
