

Why is it that elevators are one of the most awkward places in the world? Seriously, have you ever had it where you're in an elevator with someone else that you don't know, and you think to yourself, "Should I say something? Should I keep quiet?" The only thing you can think to talk about is the weather or stupid small talk, which is never a whole lot of fun - especially if the other person isn't into it. You feel like a dork staring at your feet or at the changing numbers, but you also know that you cannot, no matter what, look at the other person in the elevator unless you plan to say something. I don't know about you, but I think that's what elevator service men were for - you know, the guys who asked you what floor and pushed the button? They functioned as the ice breaker... It's their job to make small talk and be friendly not only to you, but the other people in the elevator as you all ascend to a higher floor. I think that the elevator service man position should be brought back. I think it should be a requirement for all elevators. That way, when I have to take the elevator 15 different times in one day, I won't have those awkward moments of "Do I say something... or continue to stare at my feet?"

Day two at the new job went well... Minus the awkward elevator moments.


Katy said...

I tutored at the MRM last year and that elevator is the slowest known to man. I rarely initiate conversation in an elevator.

ginag said...

So true!!!!

By the way, that pic looks great with your new color scheme!

Zaar said...

Good post. It can be very weird sometimes. I rarely talk in the elevator except I'll play the "elevator man" and ask what floor? Most of the time, just wait the floor numbers go by.

The exception is when people push my floor. Since our company is on the entire floor, I always introduce myself and do the "I don't think we've met yet" line.

Sarah said...

First of all ... I believe the correct term is "elevator operator". Take my word for it - I was one!

Secondly - You're all crazy! I love elevators... but granted - I'm strange and I like taking advantage of awkward situations.