

This post will be random tidbits of info that are either exciting to me, I find interesting, or simply felt like sharing. And they are as follows:

SUNSHINE! I updated my last post because I forgot to mention that I finally saw the sun yesterday! It was amazing, and as glorious as ever. Made me a very happy girl.

New episodes of my favorite TV shows are finally about to air: On Tuesday, I believe we will be graced with a new Gilmore Girls episode. Wednesday, the ever anticipated Lost will air a new episode... After re-watching all of season one, I'm ready for more of season two. And last, but definitely not least, 24 starts next Sunday. Can I get an amen that we can finally resume the stories we've so patiently been waiting to continue with?

Last day of work: For those of you who don't know, for almost 3 years now I have been working at Thermo Electron doing data entry. It was a great part time position to have while in school as it offered a great deal of flexibilty. Well, I was offered a position to work part time with Sonlife Ministries next semester, and decided that trying to pull off two part time jobs and 15 credits during the last semester of school was probably too much, so I quit my job at Thermo. My last day will be Wednesday. It's exciting to think of what's ahead, but it's also sad to leave my job behind. I made some amazing friends there, and they will be missed.

Vacation: Because Wednesday is my last day of work, and I do not start school until the 23rd, I will have some free time on my hands. There are a couple projects I'd like to work on (one of them is painting my room) but I'm trying to be creative with what I can do with my time. What will give me a feeling of rest and relaxation, but also the feeling that I "did" something. Something recreational and fun. Something artistic and meaningful. Who knows what that will be... I'm still in the brainstorming process. I'm up for any suggestions though.

School: In two weeks, I will be in the last semester of school. I thought it would never come. But it's here, and as excited as I am, I have no idea what's ahead of me after graduation. I was telling a friend of mine the other day, that if I try to imagine what my life will look like a year from now, it's incredibly hard to imagine. I have explored many different options: Where to move - I have considered different cities, different states, and even different countries. Where to work - I am keeping every option open, and talking to as many different people as I can. So who knows where I'll be 6 months from now. Part of that frightens me, but I also find it completely exhilerating.

Myspace.com - what a weird invention. I have a friend who lives in Cali who is the one responsible for getting me to sign up with myspace, and it was mostly for connections with old friends from college. However, as I wandered around on it more, I realized there are a lot of cool things about it, but also a lot of crappy things about it. Cool things: The ability to check out/listen to tons of bands, as well as the ability to connect/network with old friends. Not so cool: The fact that young kids are posting a lot of information about themselves, and there are really weird people who are willing to talk to just about anyone, about anything... I think you can see where I'm going with this. So while I think it has the ability to be great, I'm still really hesitant about it.

I suppose that's about it for now. Random thoughts, I realize. None of them seemed to have enough value to warrant a seperate post for each, yet I still wanted to write about them for some unknown reason. Maybe it's just to hear myself talk. Maybe it's so that you all have a better idea of just how nutty my brain is. Or maybe it will help make sense of some weird book I write, or film I create in the future... They'll look back and say, "Look, she was just as crazy back then... That explains it all."

Ok, goodnight one and all.


Name: Katee said...

tory, i too am in the position of attempting to think of what my life will look like in one year or 6 months and i can not. people tell were i will be but i will not attempt, b/c god knows what he is doing.

love you- katee

Anonymous said...

Two thoughts

1. Where is the artwork by EBROWN?

2. You closed your eyes while driving to enjoy the sun? You young people live dangerous lives!

I'm gad you sun came back.


Tory Jane said...


M -

First of all, had no idea you even read my blog. Nice to see you around...

Secondly, you'll have to ask Ebrown where her artwork is... I believe she said it was going in her "scrapbook." Maybe she'll post it on her blog if you bug her enough.

And finally, Ebrown was driving - therefore, I could close my eyes and enjoy the sunshine. We may live dangerously, but not THAT dangerously.

And I'm glad the sun's back too.