

Well, this is it folks. My last semester of being a panther. Tomorrow hails the title of "first day of my last semester." I'm extremely excited about it being my final semester - excited for what's ahead, excited for an extended period of no homework without the "I should go back to school" weight on my shoulders, no more paying $9 a day to park in the Union parking structure, no more group projects, and onto feeling settled in a new job, hopefully moving out, and becoming a full fledged adult. I can't wait. I thought this period in my life would never come, where I could say in four months, I graduate. At the same time, I gotta push through four more months. Yowza. Four months of African American Literature, American Indian Literature, World Cinema, Hebrew Literature, and the Psychological Effects of Racism. Four months of papers, of reading, of possible group projects (pray I have NO group projects this semester).

I realize, four months is nothing. I realize that I am so unbelievably blessed to have the opportunity to get a college education. I have been given a gift I should not take lightly. I AM grateful that I have been fortunate enough to experience what we know as higher education. I just need to keep reminding myself of that... To be thankful.

Tomorrow begins the four month journey... Should be interesting.


Katy said...

Good luck! You should park at Veterans Park and take the shuttle bus to campus. It's free and it only tacks on like 20 minutes to your total commute time. That's what I did anyway :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Tor-ray-ray!!!
I am excited for your final semester! Hope it is great and it goes realllllllllly fast!
but enjoy!