

it's hip.
it's in.
it's the new lingo.


I was at a Blockbuster store the other night renting a movie with my friend. The young gentleman behind the counter had a pleasant demeanor, but was borderline over-the-top. With a cheesy smile, he assured us we had picked a winner of a movie, and would be thoroughly satisfied. Not only were we taking home a great theatrical treat, but along with our movie, we would be receiving a cornucopia of coupons. Yes, this is actually what he said. Cornucopia of coupons. I even questioned him to make sure I heard him right, and he assured me he had used the term correctly. I could have cared less about whether he had actually used it correctly. It was the fact that he had used it at all.

So like I said. It's hip. It's in. It's the new lingo.
Use it as often as you can.
I tried to get the word "slick" to catch on,
and I tried to get "towncat" to be the new hip phrase.
Both failed miserably.
But I have faith.
Cornucopia will prevail.
It's gonna be hot.

Just remember, you heard it here first.


Tom said...

The one phrase I made didnt go over to well, it did get a reaction.....I think it was said I have a way with words, or how I butcher the english language.....But now I use it all the time, even if no one else does.....

peaches n fun

"Life isn't always peaches n fun."

Parke said...

Hmm. Makes me feel like I should be wearing a pilgrim hat.