

The last line in my last entry proves to be qutie difficult tonight. It is now 4:30am, and I have yet to get any sleep in. I am not normally the kind of person to struggle with insomnia. In fact, just the opposite. I can usually sleep any time, anywhere. However, for some unknown reason, my eyes cannot stay closed tonight.

Now, I'm not some super charasmatic type person, and I'm usually really hesitant to say things like this, but I believe God kept me up for a reason. What that reason is, I'm not entirely sure, but I felt this overwhelming urge to pray for specific people. I seem to have a lot of friends right now who are going through a lot - especially in ministry situations - that are just all around crappy. Makes me think something big is about to happen, and our little friend downstairs isn't too keen on it.
But I'm not sure I've ever experienced what I experienced this evening/morning. I was completely wide awake, tossing and turning, trying my very hardest to sleep, when I finally said "This is ridiculous!" and decided to get up. The minute I decided I was just going to embrace being awake, I felt such a strong tug to pray for these dear friends in my life. And that's just what I did. These were not hour long prayers, or wordy and emotional prayers - just simple ones. Simple prayers for a God who needs nothing more than simple faith - a faith that He can and will work through every situation.

I also thanked God that in a period in my life where transition is proving to give me less and less free time, He gave me a moment with Him. It only goes to show that God's timing IS INDEED perfect - even if it's at 4 in the morning. Will I be tired tomorrow? Yes. Will I struggle to still praise him when I'm sitting at my desk punching numbers into a computer and my eyes will hardly stay open? Probably. But my hope and prayer is I will be reminded of what a priviledge it was to have this time of community with God.

Tonight came a point in my life where I needed it most...and it was so sweet.
My prayer is that I have more "insomniac" times to come...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
