

I was having a chat with a good friend of mine...Worry. We talked about how much people worry, and are consumed by it. I began to think about how much it has become a part of our culture, our everyday nature. We can't exist without it, or so it seems. I began to think about my own life, and how much I am gripped by worry. If I don't currently have anything to worry, I will create something to worry about. But I began to think about how one would get over this, and it occured to me that it would need to be treated as any addiction is treated. Most often "cold turkey" doesn't work. For a short while maybe, but an addict who tries to quit cold turkey usually struggles so much, they end up failing and going back. But what does that look like for someone who is trying to quit worrying? Only worry everynow and then? Only allow yourself to worry about big things, not small things? I don't think this will necessarily work...But how does one go from a culture/nature that is consumed by worry to one that is worry-free? I have no answer for this. Part of me thinks we like to worry. Maybe it's really not that hard to let go of, but we just don't want to let it go because it's our only way of feeling like we have control over something. If you think about it, we can't control the future. We can't make this or that happen. I wonder, if by worrying, it's our way of owning it. We may not be able to control how the course runs, but we can at least put forth a lot of effort worrying about it - therefore owning the course. I don't know. Just some thoughts. I know that I worry WAY more than is healthy, if there is even a healthy level of worry. But trying to figure out how to move past worry - guess I have quite a journey a head of me in figuring that out.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Hehehe...
That's all for now...Now I'll go off and worry that you don't like my entry, or don't agree...
Just kidding.

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