
the life aquatic

Well my friends, it has been some time since I've posted.

Nothing to substantial to post about, however, I couldn't help but post about the new Wes Anderson movie that's supposed to come out around Christmas called "The Life Aquatic". It looks great, as I love the Wes Anderson style of movies (he did films such as Royal Tenanbaums, Rushmore, and Bottle Rocket). It's got a stellar cast, a good portion of them being "regulars" in Wes Anderson movies. Bill Murray, Owen Wilson, Angelica Houston, Cate Blanchet, Jeff Goldblum, William Defoe, as well as others. It's a movie about Bill Murray - and oceanography who leads a team of deep sea divers, adventurers & documentary film makers, when he finds out he has a son and has to learn how to be a father to him (Owen Wilson plays his son). I was so intrigued by the trailer. Should be a good one...

Check it out at http://www.apple.com/trailers

It looks hilarious.

Other movies to look out for:
I (heart) the Huckabees
Team America (the new version of Thundercats - hilarious!)
Mean Creek
The Incredibles

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