
david crowder

I've been listening a lot to David Crowder Band's first CD (Can You Hear Us)...It's actually not mine. I stole it from a friend for a while...Don't worry, he knows I have it.

Anyway, there are these two songs that have really struck a chord (no pun intended) in my heart...The first one is "I Need Words" which is the first, really short song on the album. I've posted the words below because they're just so good. So simple, which is what I'm drawn to lately, but so beautiful...

"I need words as wide as sky
I need language as large as this longing inside
I need a voice that's bigger than mine
And I need a song to sing You
That I've yet to find...

I need You
Oh, I need You
I need You
Oh, I need You

To be here now...
To hear me now..."

The other song is "Obsession". I think it's such a great song musically (there is a great guitar thing througout it...I'm not sure what it's called...Noodling?) Anyway, the song just resonates with me. It's not exactly where I'm at in my life, but rather, where I hope to be.

If you have not heard this album, I highly recommend picking it up. I will eventually purchase my own copy...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thats a great post.. thanks