

Ok folks...

Over the past couple of months or so, I have really been debating about what I want to do after graduation. I definitely have pros and cons for each. But there are times where it just comes down to "what fits." I can analyze it until I'm blue in the face, but at the end of the day, I'm left wondering, "What seems most natural? What makes the most sense? What direction does my life reflect?"

That being said, I decided that I wanted input from other people that know me. I think that to some extent, I can only see so much from my skewed perspective. I'm thinking that someone else might be able to point something out to me that I never thought of, or haven't even considered before. I already have a close circle of friends and family that I've been talking with, and they have graciously given me their thoughts... However, I thought it'd be interesting to get other perspectives.

So, I'm wondering what you all think... I'm going to list a few different things, and I would love for you to vote by commenting for which you think bests "suits" me. I know this may seem like a weird question, but go with it... :) I realize that some of these may not even come to fruition - I may not even be presented with the opportunity to pursue them. And some of them may not even happen until a few years from now. But I'm still interested in thoughts...

1.) Production Assistant in the film industry
2.) Residence Director at a college
3.) Ministry
4.) Editorial Assistant (publishing industry)
5.) Freelance Writer
6.) Elementary Teacher
7.) Administrative Assistant
8.) Graphic Designer/Photography
9.) Drifter
10.) Joaquin Phoenix's Wife

Those last two I was just kidding... Well, maybe not number 10.

Ok peeps... let me know your thoughts.


viclyn said...

Cory and I think you should be a Residence Director at a college. We think you would love to continually meet new people and that you are good at making people feel welcome. Good luck and tell Joaquin Hi!

Katy said...

My 2 cents: I'm not sure what a "residence director" entails, but it does sound interesting - I would think you'd have to be pretty outgoing for that though. Might be a good challenge. My thought is that admin. asst. wouldn't entirely fulfill you unless it was for a cause you really cared about (like combining #3 and #1 - and #10 :)). If you honestly think you'd enjoy being an elementary school teacher, the world could use teachers like you! But I'd suggest job shadowing a teacher for a day or trying your hand at subbing (which you can do with any degree) before going for your teacher's certificate. Just some thoughts. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Hey...what happened to your bookstore? I honestly think that starting a children's bookstore would fulfill a lot of things in your life. Your love of literature, your love of art, and your love for kids. Also, you are organized and detail oriented, which you would need in the book business. But hey, maybe I'm biased.