
joy, part one

This post was inspired by an idea that both just.in and k.finn expressed on their blogs a while back. They went through a list of their top 100 joys in life, and I thought it was such a great idea as it allowed readers of their blogs to see a little bit of who they are. And not only that, it was just a cool way to give a little shout out to the creator of those “joys”.

So I would like to join in on the fun of the “joy list”. Here are my first 50. They are not in any order of importance. More like, the order they came to my head.

1.) Thunderstorms
2.) Late night drives with the windows down and the tunes cranked
3.) Watching a kid eat an ice cream cone
4.) Understanding God through creation
5.) The leaves changing colors during fall
6.) When a kid doesn’t know the words to a song, and makes them up
7.) When an adult doesn’t know the words, and makes them up
8.) Starburst jellybeans
9.) Coloring
10.) Apple picking
11.) Watching a dad play with his children
12.) Seeing my parents being loving towards each other
13.) Seeing my bro & sis-in-law being loving towards each other
14.) A good music conversation
15.) Late-night talks about “Lost”
16.) Rhyming conversations with people (“Rapping,” if you will)
17.) Playing in the rain
18.) People watching
19.) Hanging out with high school & junior high kids
20.) Pojo’s fashion sense
21.) Looking through people’s family photos
22.) Christmas time, and all that comes with it!
23.) Large bodies of water – ocean, lake, river, bay, etc.
24.) Sunsets (um, I don’t see too many sunrises)
25.) Road trips
26.) Laughing and crying simultaneously
27.) Seeing Scripture in a COMPLETELY new light
28.) A letter from a distant friend
29.) Girl talk
30.) Blue Moon ice cream
31.) Unexpected free time
32.) Daisies
33.) Walking barefoot through sand
34.) Playing the piano
35.) Listening to someone else play the piano
36.) Watching someone open a gift
37.) “This is how we met” stories
38.) Seeing a friend be able to master something
39.) “Getting lost” out in nature
40.) Catching fireflies
41.) Band jams
42.) Mix tapes (though now, I suppose "playlists")
43.) Having quality “coffee talks” with friends and family
44.) Reading a good, challenging book
45.) Calvin & Hobbes
46.) Drinking cocoa or cider after playing in the snow
47.) When a good friend asks “How are you?” and means it
48.) Randomness
49.) A little kid learning to read and reading out loud
50.) Hugs

Ok… stay tuned for Joy Part 2 to come sometime in the near future.
There’s plenty more to add…

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