

You'd think that as an English major, writing papers would come naturally. Well, typically, for me that writing does come naturally! I can usually sit down at a computer and whip out a 3-4 page paper, no problem. Well, this semester has kicked me in the pants as far as papers are concerned. I don't know if it's total writer's block, not understanding the material enough, not being focused... Whatever the case is, I'm doggie paddling through these papers. No idea what I'm doing.

The one paper I'm currently working on is actually really interesting, and I wish I had more time to develop it and be more creative. I have to write an intellectual dialogue between Martin Luther King Jr, Gandhi, and H.D. Thoreau where we are discussing civil disobedience in some way shape or form. Like I said, the topic and type of paper really interests me, but I'm getting my butt kicked as far as how to go about doing this!

Anyway, this was my brief little public service announcement for the morning. Actually, I'm just really distracted and not focused, and hoping some sort of ephiphany as to what I should write will come. So, we'll see what becomes of my papers.

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