

Well friends, the quest continues... What will Tory do after she graduates?

At the beginning of this journey, I decided to sit down and write out what an "ideal" job would be for me. While I knew I more than likely wouldn't find an ideal job (who does), I wanted to at least know what things were important to me, and what things to look for, even if they didn't come in an "ideal" package.

The goal of my resume reads: To be working in an environment where I am able to utilize my experience in administrative and creative roles in order to make a difference in the lives of others. That's a pretty generic statement, but to the point. I have experience and skills in administration, but I want to work somewhere I feel I am making an impact on society. Can we say non-profit, people? That's seriously what that statement screams... and honestly, that's where my heart is. I have a huge desire to impact people's lives, even if I don't know in what capacity.

So, I began to think about non-profit organizations. Where could I work where I could impact others? I am currently working at Sonlife Ministries, and that is something that is "others" minded - teaching students and leaders how to "lead, love, and live in the way of Jesus." I've applied for Resident Director positions at different colleges, hoping to impact the lives of college students... However, as I continue my search, both of these things seem to be "on hold" or falling through for the time being. Because neither of those situations seemed to be moving forward, I started to seek out other opportunities.

As I began thinking about where I'd want to work, more often it became about where I'd want to live. More and more thoughts about Wisconsin, particularly Milwaukee, began to cloud my brain. Now, for those of you who know me, you know that for the longest time I've wanted to move away... like, far away. However, as I've been journeying through this whole "what do I do after graduation" and as I've been spending more and more time in the city, the more I'm starting to really enjoy Milwaukee. It's a knowable city. Big enough to feel city-ish, but small enough to be known. Plus, what would I do with out my multi-week runs to Alterra on the lake? There's a part of me that doesn't want to leave Wisconsin, but rather move downtown Milwaukee and work there. Just another thought that is tugging at my brain.

I've also been traveling down the "working with kids" road a bit more. I've mentioned before my desire to teach, and I still would like to shadow a teacher or two, just to get a better feel for what it's like. But another thought occured to me today... What about Children's Hospital? I poked around their website and found a lot of administrative positions were open. A new idea if I were to decide to stay here...

Then there's the small part of me that thinks about going back to school at some time in the near future, if not for teaching, for cultural/societal studies. There are so many non-profit organizations out there that have such good causes. HIV/AIDs organizations, homeless shelters/food pantries, children's organizations (Big Brothers/Big Sisters and Boys & Girls Club), environmental organizations, organizations that deal with poverty like DATA or Habitat for Humanity... All of these are places that are involved in the community and strive to serve people. What could be more rewarding?

So, as I have all these ideas, and no direction, I sit stumped. I am overwhelmed and clueless as to how to proceed. Frustrated, and feeling kind of sad. The hard part is, I'm locked into my current situation until the end of July, making it tough to apply for particular positions right now. Granted, I'm totally grateful to have work through July - makes it less scary to have to find something RIGHT AWAY... However, I'm definitely ready for this quest to be over. I guess you could say I'm like every other college graduate - very excited, but very scared... and most of all, anxious to have some things fall into place.

I hate waiting.


ginag said...


I totally understand what you are going through girl! I'm in the same boat. The thing that I have learned is that I need to be happy and content in the role that God has me in right at this very moment. I have no clue or feeling of what to do next, but I have learned to enjoy this time and trust that God has something great in store for me and YOU!

Name: Katee said...

hey you can come and work with me in the ghetto... we need someone with an administrative edge...


but i know where you are at been there recently...it is worth the wait...

Oblivion.. said...

Hi there,
I don't know if you remember me. I'm Melissa and you had commented on my blog forever ago (it was username thisdesertlife) - I forgot the password (and email addy that went along) so I made a new blog, hehe. Anyway, I was looking thru old comments on thisdesertlife and saw yours and thought I'd check out your blog. I think it's awesome you're graduating and you have the opportunity now to jump into what you want to do with your life:) I feel like I'm never going to graduate - due to things like marriage and divorce, I took some time off of school and am just now finishing up my associates and heading off to a university in the springtime. I can't imagine how great it feels to actually complete something :) Plus it sounds like you have lots of wonderful ideas, like organizations you would like to work with. I am thinking of getting my masters in social work and using it for non-profit types of orgs myself; I guess I am just waiting for a sign whether I should do social work or Psych (non-profit, or teaching). Anyway, what a cool thing to have so many ideas. When you think of all the people who have no idea what to do with their lives and are just wandering about, it seems like a cool problem to have, you know? -- too many ideas! I feel that way too, I have all these ideas about what to do with my life and am just waiting for that neon sign or lightning bolt that will confirm it all for me.
I wish you much luck in deciding, and you seem like an extremely intelligent person that will do well with whatever you choose to do!
Take care~


PS - You're seriously too cool for listing Counting Crows and Jimmy in your fave music section!! :D