

I'll be upfront. This isn't going to be the most "uplifting" blog. Everything within my being would like to talk about all the amazing things that are going on in the world - because there ARE amazing things going on the world. However, be it the media or the negative creatures around us, I (as well as the rest of the world) seems to be conditioned towards all the horrendous events going on the world. With that being said, I believe that I have become numb. The news saddens me. It's hard to have meaningful conversations with those I consider "friends like family" because I know so many people who are struggling. However, my recent "emotion" with everything has just been a certain numbness.

How did I come to notice this? Well, to be honest, the whole thing with the tsunami is what is making me think about this. I'm really overwhelmed with the number of people that have perished, and that the number is still climbing. I'm overwhelmed with what they as a people must be going through. However, I feel like I don't have enough compassion. I feel like, my thoughts go along this pattern. "Wow. That's insane. I feel bad for them." How uncompassionate is that? However, I think that with the war stuff, all the violence and crime that happens on a daily basis, not to mention all the ficticious violence that we expose ourselves to frequently, I have let myself become numb to what is really going on in the world, and what crisis really exists.

Here's an example of what I mean. I saw the movie "The Day After Tomorrow" not that long ago. Here I am, watching a movie about the world being destroyed by these forces of nature. We see these kinds of movies all the time - where people are perishing left and right. And it's all fake, right? You aren't necessarily emotionally invested because you know the actors and actresses involved, you know that it's taking place in some studio or being digitally created, and it creates this line of seperation in one's head that "It's ok. They're not really hurt." Now, I don't want to make this sound like a little kid who doesn't know that Santa Claus isn't real, however, is it possible that these kinds of movies, and the oversaturation in the media is causing a possible numbness? I know I sure feel it... And maybe it was self created. It doesn't matter. It exists. And it makes me sick to my stomach...

So how do I become a more culturally sensitive person? How do I show more compassion? How do I live a life that's worth living - loving people like they've never been loved before? I'm not entirely sure... There are so many people and situations in the world that need a tremendous amount of passion and love. World Aids Day was not that long ago. During Christmas, there are always telethons for this disease or that disease. There were so many people being fed at the homeless shelters here in Milwaukee on Christmas even, it was insane. All these situations, all these people... Compassion and love. Christ set up an amazing example for us, but it's a hard act to follow, you know?

I pray for a life like that, that can be lived full of compassion and love...

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