

You know those people... the kind of people who accept you no matter what? The kind of people who encourage your silliness, who affirm you despite all your crazy quirks, and who love you unconditionally? Those are the kinds of people I got to spend the evening with tonight...and I couldn't have enjoyed myself more.

I chose this picture of Calvin and Hobbes because I love the faces they're making. They're silly, uninhibited, and zaney. I love Calvin and Hobbes because they go on adventures together, exchange social criticism, express their creativity in a variety of ways, and have many many child-like moments.

Tonight, I got to spend time with some of my favorite people... People I have shared "Calvin and Hobbes" moments with. I've gone through a lot with these people, but they are the kind of people that no matter what curve balls life tosses our direction, we continue to be there for each other. Though weeks, even months go by, we pick up where we left off, and enjoy the company of one another.

As I looked around the room tonight, I realized these people have become like family to me. I've laughed with them, cried with them, grown with them, gotten angry with them, and experienced great joys with them... I loved being around these people tonight, people who I know if I needed anything they'd be there, and vice versa. I loved being with people who affirm me but who also challenge me... people who are silly, uninhibited and zaney... who take adventures, exchange thoughts and ideas, and express their creativity in a variety of ways.

They are my friends, they are my family, and I love them very much.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was good wasn't it?! It felt like we had never been apart. I think that is what heaven will be like. Yoo Hoo! Janine