

One joy scatters a hundred griefs.
- Chinese Proverb

Today, I was posed with a question: Why do we - humanity in general - tend to use what we’re against to define us, rather than what we’re for? It was a good discussion, and it was interesting to hear the different answers we came up with. I’m still chewing on this idea a bit, and hope to tackle it soon, but this question lead me on another rabbit trail of thought as I drove home after conversing with my friend.

For some reason, my mind began to drift towards the idea of joy, and why it is we let grief consume us rather than joy. I had a frustrating weekend. Nothing major or of any great consequence happened, but due to a few different circumstances, I found myself incredibly frustrated, and at one point almost angry, over things that were happening. While I could rationalize to myself that in the grand scheme of things, what happened over the weekend really didn’t matter all that much, I couldn’t seem to shake the frustration, or the sadness that I was feeling.

Today, I really began to think about just how much I allow grief, or frustration, or pain to grip my soul. I become so stuck in those moments, that I can't seem to see anything beyond.

A while back, I used to create a “joys” list whenever I felt stuck like that. I know that originally, I got the idea from a fellow blogger. I read through their list of “joys” – the things in life they were choosing to celebrate – and was inspired to create my own list.

In my search this evening to find a quote for this series, I came across the above Chinese proverb. Originally, I was turned off to the idea of writing about it. I continued to search for other quotes, but kept coming across it. Finally, I resorted myself to the idea that maybe – just maybe – my repetitious discovery of the quote meant I need to sit with.

So here I am… Sitting with it.

I am curious to see how true this statement is. I wonder, if in the midst of frustration, in the midst of sadness, in the midst of whatever it is that I’m feeling that is the opposite of joy, what that might do for my soul? I wonder if I took a moment to reflect on what brings me joy, if I took some time to genuinely soak in the life-giving nature of that joy, how it might transform me? What shifting my focus, choosing to dwell in the brilliant things in life – might that do to that moment? That hour? That day? That week? That month?

I wonder what would happen, if in those moments, I wrote down something that gives me joy – whether it be something with great depth and meaning, or something incredibly simplistic.

My friends, I have a plan.

This week, I am going to carry a little notebook with me everywhere I go (well, almost everywhere…). Throughout the day, I’m going to write down joy as I see it. And in moments of frustration, or hurt, or sadness, I will look for the things that bring me joy. While I can’t take a break every 15 minutes at work (and sometimes, I feel like frustration can come every 15 minutes), my goal is to document my “joy sightings” or my decisions to choose joy over grief, and see what kind of difference it makes in my countenance, my demeanor, and maybe even my ability to spread joy.

It’s a bit of an experiment, if you will. I have no idea if I will be successful. My joy journey may only last one day… But that one day, is better than no days, right? And at least I can share with you how one day affected me.

So stay tuned… I will attempt to provide a joy journey report at the end of the week. My hope is that in between now and then, I will post more blog entries… But I am also sans-iBook right now, so we shall see when the next blog post will arrive.

As always, I appreciate your thoughts and comments. It spurs me on to write more, and it also makes me feel not so alone in this journey. Thanks for taking it with me.


viclyn said...

I agree with this whole post. You have articulated what happens to me alot these days. Perhaps I will take a "joy journey" with you, we will see! As for the very beginning of the post, I think it is cool to see that someone else is thinking along the lines of what we are "for." We are starting a new church in Peoria and one of the things we are trying to define is what we are FOR. Thanks Tory for blogging. I like it!

Katy said...

I have been lacking joy lately as well, and need to be reminded daily just how amazing life is. I can find every excuse in the book why things aren't the way they should be or the way I want them to be, but something tells me Paul never let his circumstances overshadow his joy and peace. I'll be interested to see how your week goes ...