

Tonight, I was able to hang out with one of my favorite kids - we'll call her K. She's a total blast, and SUPER smart. I love it when I get to spend time with her at tutoring.

We worked our way through math facts and worksheets, she did her reading, and we moved onto one of my favorite activities - writing stories. So, K and I decided we'd each write a story, and then share them with one another. For a frame of reference, K is in 3rd grade, so roughly 8 or 9 years old.

Without further ado, the stories of K & Tory.

The Mouse Who Was Lost
by K

Once upon a time there was a little animal. It was a mouse. The town name was Mousetown. He was lost in a store. He could not find his mother. His mother was a mouse too. He went to the cashier and said can you call my mother up here. Then he left with his mother. Then they lived happy ever after. The end.

Sniffles, then Giggles
by Tory

Once upon a time, there were two princesses named K & T. Both of them were very beautiful and lived in a huge palace. They had a dog named Sniffles who always had a cold. He would sneeze and sneeze and sneeze and no one knew why. One day, K and T tickled him so hard he stopped sneezing, but couldn't stop laughing. They changed his name to Giggles instead. The end.

I love stories.

(image taken from www.stickergirl.com)

1 comment:

Jerica said...

those were delightful stories.

thanks for the joy.