
indianwood man

have you ever had those moments where something keeps reoccurring in the oddest of times and places? Where something you had completely forgotten about resurfaces, and by the time you've nearly forgotten it again, you find yourself there once again, in some sort of cyclical game?

there is this man... we will call him indianwood man, for that is the street he used to live on. when I was younger, he intrigued me a great deal. with long brown hair, a gentle demeanor and an artsy way about him, I would slow my pace as I passed his house where he would be remodeling his old school yellow convertible volkswagon bug. he seemed to be out there all the time, working on that car, which was a beauty. in high school, I went with a friend to a family gathering where, with no idea of their friendship, they met up with indianwood man's family. it was there I talked with indianwood man and his family for the first time. our meeting seemed to me to be very random. he worked at the local grocery store, and I would often run into him in one of the isles. but after a while, he quit and I no longer saw him. it had been about two years since I saw indianwood man...until a couple weeks ago. I was sitting at a stoplight when indianwood man was crossing the intersection... he glanced over and offered a friendly wave. again, it just felt so random. And so tonight, I saw indianwood man once again at a local church gathering. I didn't know indianwood man was a God follower. very random... but very, very cool.

I love those moments... where it feels very much like a story with reoccuring characters who aren't the focus of story, but add depth and beauty to its tale.


Anonymous said...

You crack me up Tory Dolan.

Anonymous said...
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