

I admit it.

I've failed.

I've failed to keep up with this blog.

I've failed on finding inspiration, finding the things in life worth writing about.

I used be so good about posting. I used to have such a deep desire to write almost every day. And recently, it's felt more like a chore.

But I want to write. Really I do.

Even though my actions tell you all otherwise.

However, my good friend S.McConico spewed forth a bunch of "inspirational" ideas to try and jump start my noggin'. Originally, I was a little annoyed because he had a ridiculous amount of ideas, and really, I wanted to find my own inspiration. And none of his ideas seemed similar to the ways I'm normally inspired anyway.

However, I decided to try one of his suggestions: quotes.

I found a whole slew of quotes that resonated well within my soul.

So, I've decided to try something - write a series of blog entries based on quotes. That is my goal. That is my decision.

Let's hope I can stick to this new mini-series of blog posts.

Here we go...

1 comment:

mjonthemove said...

YAY! Tory blogging is back.