

Have you ever experienced a moment in your life where you knew everything was about to change? A moment where it seems as though nothing is solid, and everything could shift at the drop of a hat?

That's the position I am in right now. I am currently unemployed. I don't have a home church. I am living at home, but hoping to move out in the near future. I don't have a significant other. I am in the processes of figuring out my next "career move." I am less than a year away from paying off my car, giving me one of two options: buy a new car that's in better shape, or try out public transportation. Lots of random things that are currently up in the air. None of these things are stable or figured out. I'm "in process" with each of these, and one if not all could change at any moment - something that is both exciting and terrifying.

I read an interesting quote tonight though that got me thinking. I'm not sure if I have it exactly right - I was only able to view it for a moment. But it read something similar to the following: "If you aren't scared, your dreams aren't big enough." What a great statement! The reason why I love it is that it allows for two things I'm really good at - dreaming big and being scared! I think it's encouraging because it is challenging to think big, dream the impossible... and yet, it is also saying that fear is a natural part of dreaming big - that if you're NOT scared, you must not be dreaming big enough.

So, I believe I'm going to incorporate this philosophy in with the rest of the stuff I've been learning over the past few days (which might I say, is a lot). As I head into the next few weeks, I choose to embrace big dreams and the fear that comes with them.

Bring it on, future. Bring it on.

(image found at http://www.sybilanntellsall.com/images/Free_Fall.JPG)

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