


It's been a really long time since I've posted. It's not that nothing is going on, it's just, well... Ok, here's the deal.

When I write on my blog, I tend to not journal (in my personal journal) as much. And when I write in my journal, I don't seem to blog as often. I'm not sure if it's just because I can't write in two places at once, or what the deal is. But this is the problem I've found myself in...

I've been journaling a lot more in my personal journal. Two reasons: One, I really love old-school journaling. There's something way more theraputic about manually writing and drawing pictures in a book than sitting behind a computer. There's something great about using a pen, and writing on an empty white paper that's just screaming to be marked up, than looking at frames and buttons, and punching in keys. The second reason is I can be brutally honest without having to be held responsible for it by the public, you know? I mean, it's kind of a scary thought to think about writing some of the stuff running through my head here on the good ole internet for anyone to read. Plus, because some of my thoughts are not solid, I didn't want to post them. Like, where I'm looking to live, work, go to church, and different things going on in my relationships. Therefore, journaling in my personal journal has just "fit" as of late because I can write what's really on my heart, instead of writing bits and pieces on here.

However, I don't want to abandon my blog. There's something so great about blogging, and the strange sort of community that comes from it. I love to blog about what I'm watching, listening to, and things I'm experiencing. You'll just have to bear with me that at this point in my life, it might be kind of sporatic.

I'm currently in Illinois as I write this, about to be a part of a conference that's going on at Sonlife. So, for the next three days I'll be pretty busy with that. Hopefully I'll get the opportunity to write some more within the next few days, but I'm not sure how crazy I'll be.

I just wanted to check in with my fellow bloggers, and let you all know that I'm alive and kicking, and that I'm not abandoning my blog... Just a little inconsistent. I hope to try harder and put more up, but only time will tell...

Thanks for stickin' with me.


Katy said...

I feel the same way. But when I think about who (if anyone) will stumble upon and read my old-school journals when I'm dead and gone, it's kind of eerie. I feel like those thoughts are truly just mine, but someone, someday, is sure to read them ... weird ...

Anonymous said...

Tory -

I came across your blog through an article that you wrote, I think, on Rob Bell's book. Do you mind if I provide a link of your blog on mine? You have some intriguing and cool thoughts.

Tory Jane said...

Craig - shoot me an email so I can check out your blog.