

Well friends, I am on a new path in life... Lots has changed over the past month or so. I now have a new job working as an administrative assistant for a company called ASQ (The American Society for Quality). I now have a new home - I moved in with my ex-coworker and friend Brittany. And I have a new church... well, not entirely new. I attended Metrobrook for a few months last summer, but I've now decided to be a "regular" attender.

And I couldn't be happier.

Now, I will give you a disclaimer. I'm EXTREMELY tired. I haven't had much time to do much of anything over the past couple of weeks. I haven't been near my computer. I haven't taken any pictures. I haven't done much writing or reading. Hopefully, as the dust starts to settle, I'll be able to do more of that...

For now, I just wanted to give you a quick update as to where I am at. I will probably be MIA for the next week or so as we do not have internet access at our condo, but I'm hoping that by early next week I can post some pictures of the new place.

I hope you are all well. Love you, friends.