
you're it - no tag backs

Ok, so I got tagged... Again. So this time I claim, NO TAG BACKS. hahaha

My friend Emily got tagged and didn't know who else to tag, so she changed the rules up a bit. Here are her new rules:

This time, list 5 places you'd like to spend your weekend. For extra fun, add what you would do if you could be there (or, who you'd bring along).

1.) LA - I'd go to a restaurant called Tagine & spend hours upon end sitting on the shoreline

2.) Chi-town - visiting some of my favorite peeps down there

3.) Boston - to see all the places I missed the first time I went

4.) NYC - never been there, always wanted to go. I'd definitely hit up the Conan O'Brien show

5.) Seattle - another place I've never been, and always wanted to visit.

I'd love to put somewhere far away on there, but well, if it's only for the weekend, I'd spend a good chunk of it flying if I went overseas. If I could travel anywhere though it'd be between England, New Zealand, and somewhere in Africa.

Alright, in keeping with the game, I guess I'm supposed to tag new people. Therefore, I tag - with the new "where'd you like to go for the weekend" rules:

Chris H.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're a city girl at heart...I always knew that and I always knew that you loved kids.

love ya,