This post is sort of inspired by a post found on Justin's blog (see link to the right). He wrote a post about the purpose of white crayons. However, this initial conversation turned into another conversation about coloring in general. Amidst the comments was the question, "Who still colors?"
Well, I would just like to that I still have appreciation for this child-like artform. In fact, it wasn't more than 2 or 3 weeks ago, that while waiting to talk to a friend who is a barista at good old Sbux, my friend and I engaged in a coloring contest. Granted, we didn't have much to work with. The only books that were there were Barney coloring books, and we had these monsterous crayons to try to color with (it's no wonder kids can't stay in the lines - these crayons were gianormous!) Anyway, I cannot even tell you how much fun I had. Despite the fact that my friend and I were hurling insults at one another as to who's picture was better (side note: mine won), I haven't had that much fun in a long time. I have such great memories of coloring from when I was little, and it definitely has not lost it's fun as an adult. I do believe, that I shall have to make a regular occurence of coloring. It was so relaxing, and so much fun. You should try it!
But this then led me to think about other things that are child-like in nature that as an adult I still enjoy. Swings, as I have mentioned before. Night games... I know that being 25, I should probably not like running around in the dark, with dark clothes on, reaking of bug spray, hiding in trees, about to pee my pants from nervousness and excitement mixed together, and chasing after people who are trying to capture my flag, but I still have a soft spot in my heart for night games. Maybe I'm just destined to continue working with students so I get to keep playing games like Capture the Flag and Kick the Can - cause I love to play them!
Let's just say, I can't wait to have kids!
So how about you guys? Any child-like things you still engage in and find fun as an adult? Chutes-n-Ladders anyone?
i still like to shoot my bb gun. does that count?
. : jmw
My mom got all of her kids coloring books a couple of years ago for Christmas (we are all adults!) saying that when we needed to relax, we should color. I think any game from childhood is relaxing because it takes you back to when life was less worrisome. I even took the coloring book she got me to my high school classroom and ended up with several colored pictures on my wall from my students that needed to relax!
I still think coloring is fun at 28. I am looking forward to my daughter being old enough to color, so I can have an excuse to color as I do it right along with her.
My college roommate and I used to enjoy coloring as well. She was pretty swell that way and we had so much fun together because we weren't afraid to play children's games. Incidently, she works as a preschool director now. :-)
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