

Tonight, I met another music junkie. A whoo hoo. I actually got together with a friend of mine that I haven't spent time with in a really long time. She and I were friends in high school, and then we went to college together for a year and a half. She got married back in 2002, and we pretty much haven't seen in other in the past two years. But we reconnected last weekend, and decided to hang out tonight. She and I had a great time together, reminiscing about old times. I met her dog Doodle, her cat Vinny, and her turtle Dick Tracy. We talked about all sort of stuff regarding our lives, what shows we are addicted to, and she even showed me this weird video game she's addicted to. I think it's called Katamari? Anybody out there heard of it? Anyway, we were having fun getting caught up, and then her husband came home. The topic of music came up... Oh man. So great. So fun to find someone else with somewhat similar interest, but different enough to give me some good suggestion I may have never found. One of the bands he suggested, I'm totally diggin'. Mates of State. I think Troy Hatfield mentioned them on his blog a while back, but I never took the time to check them out. You guys, they're awesome. It's a husband and wife duo, and it's just keyboards/organ with drums. Sounds weird, but it's actually very, very cool. Very unique sounds, but they have some killer harmonies, and just a really good blend of sound. Definitely pleasing to the ear. So if you get a chance - check them out. Mates of State. They rock.

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