(photo from http://cj-buni.tripod.com)
I know I'm probably going to catch a lot of flack for this post. I realize, you are probably all thinking, "You just like him because he's SO dang good looking." Well, yes, I will admit - I do think that. Tis very true.
However, I was watching a movie special on VH1 tonight about Brokeback Mountain - the new movie that Jake Gyllenhaal is going to be in, and it got me thinking about his movie career, and all the different projects he has chosen to be a part of. I really think he is extremely talented, and has made some really unique choices. While I may not think each of his movies are the greatest for various reasons, there is an artistic element to a lot of them that makes them very intriguing. Not to mention he's been popping up a TON lately. I mean, three movies that all came out this fall - craziness. He came out in the not-so-well advertised Proof, the over-advertised Jarhead, and the movie that comes out tomorrow Brokeback Mountain. He's been in movies such as October Sky, The Good Girl, Donnie Darko, Moonlight Mile, The Day After Tomorrow, and um... well... Bubble Boy, but we won't talk about that one, and others I'm sure I'm forgetting.
Sad to say, I haven't seen any of his movies that have come out this fall, but hopefully that will change soon. I've heard Jarhead is amazing, and despite the discomfort that will probably come from Brokeback Mountain, I really want to see it. I've heard it's beautifully shot, and is a really good "emotional journey."
So, despite the flack I'll probably receive, I just wanted to take a moment to highlight an actor who I think is brilliant - he's shown it in the past, and is just now starting to really shine.
Yay for Jake Gyllenhaal.
Next celebrity post: Michele Gondry. The man is freaking brilliant.
Thumbs way up for this hottie!
Seriously though I was thinking about this recently and how much more respect I have for him than most actors his age. His sister seems to be the same way. MMMMM...Maggie.
I love the risk that both Gyllenhaal and Ledger took in Brokeback Mountain. Two very well known heartthrobs making a movie about homosexuality. I applaud them.
Yep, we need more popular stars promoting homosexuality. That way maybe more kids will experiment and drift into that exciting lifestyle.
Just a thought... But did you ever think that maybe there's a possibility for people to learn to not be so judgemental towards the homosexual community? I'm so tired of it being one way or another... One side of the fence, or the other. It seems people are only allowed to either a) hate homosexuality, and all individuals who have that "tage" or b) you are loving towards people in that community, therefore promoting it... I would like to believe there's some sort of middle ground... where I can learn about that community, love that community, and come along side them, without condemning them, and shunning them like so many often do...
I think there is most definitely that middle ground - you've just likely not come across others who view the world in that light.
I'm with Tory! And I have to say I wasn't excited about this movie until I saw the preview before Walk the Line and I cried. Now I really want to see it. I have not yet seen it but from the preview it looked really well done, hopefully I will get a chance over Christmas break.
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