
stuck in a moment

"I'm just trying to find a decent melody, a song that I can sing in my own company"

Finding your path can be a difficult task. I'm still trying to find out what I'm good at, what I could see myself doing the rest of my life, and being content with the melody I'm singing in life. Sometimes I hit a wrong note, but like this line says, I'm just trying to find one that's decent... A song that does not need refining is not worth singing.

"You've got to get yourself together, you've got stuck in a moment and now you can't get out of it"

Sometimes I get so hung up on one thing. If I can't seem to get past it, I analyze it into the ground until it makes sense. Instead of accepting it as an unknown and moving on, I seem to get stuck in that moment. This line is such a challenge... Getting myself together and getting out of that moment.

"Don't say that later will be better..."

I'm a great waiter. I always think there's something better around the bend. Life will be better when I get married. Life will be better when I move out. When I have kids. The perfect job. How sad that I'm missing the "better" that is now.

"You are such a fool to worry like you do..."

I'm not sure I need to elaborate on this one. I love how in the Bible God challenges us to not worry about what we will eat or what we will wear. I worry about things far more lame than that.

"And if the night runs over, and if the day won't last, and if your way should falter along this stoney pass... it's just a moment, this time will pass."

Isn't it good to know all these moments will pass. I never meant for this reflection through the U2 song to be depressing. It's actually kind of liberating for me. It's awesome to know that each of these moments - moments of sadness, of worry, of anger, or fear, of doubt, of everything ugly will someday pass... So great... I just recently re-discovered the exclusive Target album where there is an acoustic version of this great U2 song. I fell in love with this song because it's such an optimistic song for me. It's not dismissing struggles or periods of being "stuck" but it's saying, "Hey, it happens, but it won't last forever."

This may be the first of a few U2 song contemplations. Especially songs off How to Dismantle the Atomic Bomb. Such great thoughts are spoken on that album.


Anonymous said...

Tory, about your story in Relevant's "850" - check out Blindside's song "Silence" from their "About a Burning Fire" cd. I mean it.

Benjamin Bachman said...

good stuff... I enjoy your writing... I feel like I have found someone of like mind... scary sometimes

Parke said...

This is one thing I've really come to appreciate about my community of faith. We continually remind each other that often God's will is not in the massive plans we must devise but in the moments we step into, often in our inadequacy.

The great thing about this kind of thinking is that it doesn't require us to start some huge revival or organize the masses. We look for people who are hurting and cry with them. We develop friendships with those who aren't Christ-followers. We walk with them through the learning process of life. Or, like I think you are, we see our skills and we use them to share the stories of God and the beauties of his world.

Kimberly Cangelosi said...

Hi Tory, great post! Have you seen Drawing Their Fish in The Sand by Angela Pancella? It's a catalog of biblical references in U2 songs. If you haven't you can find it at www.atu2.com/lyrics/biblerefs.html