It pointed out to me that I forgot to write something on my joys list - Superballs. They're great.
The real reason why I'm posting this though, despite the commercial being fantastic, and superballs being endless amounts of fun, is that there is a song that accompanies the commerical that I have totally fallen in love with. Thanks to an "anonymous" poster on Drew's blog, I found out that the person singing the song is Jose Gonzalez.
(picture courtesy of
This is Jose Gonzolez, a new found favorite musician of mine. Ok, ok... I actually only have the one song from the commerical called "Heartbeats" in my possession, but hopefully in the near future, I will pick up the album that it's on entitled "Veneer." I sampled some of his other music, and I really like his sound. Has a bit of a folksy feel to it. But I absolutely adore the song "Heartbeats." It is so beautiful... Supposedly it's a cover of song done by British group - The Knife. I haven't been able to locate that song on iTunes, but Jose's beautiful version of it is available.
You can also check him out (and sample his music) here:
Jose on My Space
So go check it out. All of you!
Hey Tony, did you know about this :-Go to - and watch the interactive essay 'Bitter Fruit' by Paul Fusco. Quote:-Documenting the funerals of US soldiers killed in Iraq, Fusco’s "Bitter Fruit" is a personal protest against government attempts to downplay the costs of war:-End of Quote.
Rather disturbing to say the least?
Have a nice Day! and spread the word.
I appreciate the fact that you want people to hear what it is that you have to say... I think that's what is so great about the internet. A great big world of people who will listen. However, I'd love it if when you post, that it be somewhat relevant to what it is that I'm writing about, and not necessarily some sort of agenda you'd like to push.
Thanks for stopping by...
I'm the anonymous you mention - I'm glad you got the information about the artist and are enjoying it so much. It's always nice to hear that my google search skills are appreciated ;)
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