Do you guys remember the "Super Mario Brothers Super Show"?
Who knows what made me think of it today, but I found this great screen cap (it's a little distorted) of the show, and I listened to the main theme song (I forgot how terrible it was) and remembered the greatest quote from the whole show that my friend Leah and I used to quote all the time when we were little:
"Zap, magic fairy zap!"
Who knows why... Then again, who knows why we did any of the things we did when we were little. But I remember watching this show... I remember playing Mario Bros until I got blisters on my fingers, especially Mario Bros 3.
Speaking of Mario Bros 3 - did anyone out there ever see "The Wizard"? Now there's a great movie! Hehehe...
I remember it was about this kid who was amazing at video games, and they went to this video game competition. For the final round they introduced a new game - Mario Bros 3.
Man, do I feel old.
Then again, I guess we could talk about Pong, and make ourselves feel even older.
1 comment:
I almost watched an episode of SMB super show last night. I have one on tape from when I was a kid and I sometimes watch it for nostalgic value. Mario meets Koopzilla, always a classic.
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