
the usual

Not really anything profound, exciting, unusual, eventful, mysterious, scary or detrimental to report... Just the usual. I find it funny that in my last post, I was writing that it was around 50 degrees out... Quite the contrast from what today is. Oh so cold outside. Anyway, not a whole lot going on that's new - just the usual. I have the rest of this week to enjoy having a bit of freedom, as school starts up next week. Boo! Hiss! Nah, it should be a good semester. I have some classes that I'm really looking forward to. Just have to pray I get into the 5th class I need to get into.

I have some fun stuff coming up. This weekend I'm headed to winter camp with a whole mess of junior high and high school students. Should be a good time. I don't actually have a "role of responsibility" as I am the admin support normally for both those ministries at our church, but I decided it'd be a good opportunity to go. And I have a slight chance at getting to be a drummer for the weekend... For those of you who don't know, I have a djembe (an African drum) that I dabble in a bit. In fact, I play with another guy who does guitar and a girl who sings, and we lead worship for our young adult group. Every now and then, we play for a coffee house that a friend of mine puts on at his church, and they've now started referring to us as the Tory Dolan Band - just to push my buttons because I'm always like, "We're not a band!" Anyway, that was a total side note. But I do dabble a bit in playing djembe, and there's a very slight chance I'd get to play at winter camp. So that's fun. Then I have school starting next week, and in a month I have a retreat with a whole mess of young adults. It's at my friend Brandon's house - the house he grew up in. Yup - a weekend at the Brown Compound. I love his parents - and his bro & sister in-law who will be there as well. Good times, good times.

Things I've seen/heard recently: I just watched Anchorman. Now, all apologies to my brother, but I didn't find it as funny as I was expecting. It was alright, and I definitely enjoyed the "We are laughing. We are good friends." at the end, as well as the scotch song. However, overall, it did not make me laugh as much as I intended. 24 - I am now nearing the end of season three. I'm finishing the last disc tonight. Then I have to get caught up on the first two weeks (like 5 episodes) of season 4 and I'm good to go. Should be up to speed next week! Tunes - I haven't gotten anything new lately, and haven't heard much either. So if anyone has any good suggestions of some new music that's out, fire away. I'm waiting for the Passion 05 iTunes bundle that's supposed to come out on the 25th I think. And then the full CD is due out in like April. Can't wait for that - good music, but also because my voice will be one of the ones in the audience - how fun!

Shout outs - I don't normally do this, but hey, it's my blog, I'll give shout outs if I want to. Drew - glad you finally joined the world of iPods - they rock, don't they? Is Sideways really that good? The premise just didn't interest me in the least. Chris - I was watching Gilmore Girls the other day and thought of you because they had the theme song for Greatest American Hero on it - and it made me laugh! Katy - I'm jealous of your California winter! I wish I was there... Soak in some sun for me! I miss you! Sara - you too! Know that I'm praying for your dad! John Loppnow - what's with your blog? NO POSTING? Saddness in Tory's heart... I hope you're doing well. Aaron - Sin City looks awesome! I heard about it a while back, and am anxious for it to come out! Any word on the magazine? And Kelly - love you bro! We gotta hang out sometime soon! I miss you tons!

Ok, that's the Tory Dolan skinny for today. Hope you are all doing well.
And in the words of Crary, "Drink Sprite, and you'll be ok."

1 comment:

Katy said...

Have fun at winter camp Tory! Best of luck to you this coming semester - will you be taking a statistics class? Hope you don't mind, but I've been bored AND boring lately, so I stole some ideas from your post to put in my own :) Miss ya!